The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible. ~Vladimir Nabakov

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I will never talk bad....

It was one of those days today, sigh... where my little one (7 years old) totally got away with the stuff he normally doesn't get away with.  Shall I say I've had enough.

The results speak for themselves.  After many tears of what felt to him like the worst punishment in the world, he began writing.  He paused few times, with huge tears of begging mercifully for not make him do this but I insisted.

I told him there is a great lesson to be learned here and he should read those words as he writes them and imprint them into his memory.   "He will never talk bad to his mom again" is hopefully what he learns from this, as for me, well, I've just relived a little piece of my own history.

As he looked up at me few dozen times with those big gorgeous brown tear filled eyes, getting through numbers 32 and 33 out of 100, I simply told him that I loved him very much.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to go!!!!!!! bravo