The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible. ~Vladimir Nabakov

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Summoned Bliss

One glimpse of your soul evoke me with clarity
Lifetimes shared together became crisp as my reality
Do not shed tears my love for I am not gone yet
Our destiny awaits us on another journey set

Shall I stay and be torn between two hearts who give
Wishing I could combine the halves to fully live
Regrets are not remotely what I would ever convey
Crave burns within me adoring you each day

My aching heart longs for you with every breath I take
Tender snowflake kisses merge as the love we make
There are no words to describe what I justly feel
Reunited at last is when my heart will heal

The sun will rise tomorrow as I look upon your face
Whispering passionate bliss, I summon and embrace
Though we are not together love we are never apart
Every enduring moment I carry you in my heart

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