The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible. ~Vladimir Nabakov

Friday, July 25, 2008


As engulfing sorrow wrenches the heart
Begins shredding the soul virtually apart

Profound misery lurks amiss yet distant
Garroting an aching throat in an instant

Bodies quaking wildly of aches and chills
Learning to shake the withdrawals of pills

Whatever gloom discovers and brings
We each undergo our depth of swings

The madness of sadness in our memories
Ensures a deliverance of needless worries

Happiness waits around the corner for each
While sadness interferes wisdom to teach

Another new beginning approaches fast
Roller-coaster of life and the balance at last

Do not be fooled though as it will not stay
Adding spices to life and hurdles of sway

Our seasons of feelings each to their own
Teeter-totter of existence entirely thrown

For many they are lives of silent disasters
Remember we are all our vessels masters

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